Occupational Health Policy

An effective Occupational Health and Safety (OHS) program must demonstrate management and leadership commitment to the program and a willingness to improve the workplace safety culture. 

DWC & E is committed to an OHS program that protects its employees, clients, subcontractors, the public and property from incidents occurring on our site. Through this program, we will engage workers in safe work practices and the development of a strong health and safety culture.

We believe that all incidents are preventable, so our goal is zero incidents. Active participation at all levels will ensure that our goal is achieved.

DWC & E endeavours to provide proper and relevant employee training, job-specific safe work practices, personal protective equipment, operation and maintenance procedures and safety guidelines that focus management, employee and subcontractor awareness on reducing the risk of incidents in all activities.

DWC & E and subcontractor employers are responsible for complying with all health and safety standards and regulations, including the Workers Compensation Act and the OHS regulation, and for cooperating with management in the implementation of the health and safety program, worksite inspection, incident investigations and the continuous improvement of this program.

DWC & E is committed to safe and sustainable practices in all aspects of our operations and therefore will review and update our safety program on yearly basis to adapt to industry changes, trends and requirements.

DWC & E management, subcontractor management and all employees are collectively responsible to ensure compliance with government, OHS and environmental regulations.

DWC & E shall set annual measurable OHS objectives for all its operations, and at group level; to ensure continuous improvement and compliance with all standards.