Drugs and Alcohol Policy

DWC & E is committed to providing outstanding value to its clients, a safe and stimulating work environment for its employees and excellent returns for its stakeholders.

Recognizing the potential negative effects of alcohol and drugs on the organisation in particular, the hazards that individuals who abuse drugs and alcohol pose to themselves, their co-workers and the general public, the organization has implemented a drug and alcohol policy.

All individuals actively involved with DWC & E and its member group are expected to report fit for duty. They must also perform assigned duties safely and acceptably, without any limitations due to the use, or after-effects of alcohol, illicit drugs, non-prescription drugs, prescribed medications or any other substance.

DWC & E has zero tolerance for personnel who report for duty under the influence of alcohol or drugs and/or whose ability to perform their role is impaired in any way by the consumption of alcohol or drugs, or consume alcohol or drugs while on duty.

The policy provides for the testing of employees for drug/alcohol abuse, assisting employees who voluntarily seek help for problems relating to alcohol and/or drugs, and educating employees on the dangers of drug and alcohol abuse.

The drug and alcohol policy applies to all employees of DWC&E. This policy is also extended to subcontractors, clients and visitors.

Refusal to submit to drug/alcohol test or tampering or attempting to tamper with test sample will be subjected to disciplinary action.
Employees who violate the provisions of this policy would be subjected to disciplinary action up to and including termination of employment.